Some tricks to make life easier when using Visual Studio category 'KB', created 23-Jun-2009, version V1.1 (06-Aug-2009), by Luc Pattyn |
License: The author hereby grants you a worldwide, non-exclusive license to use and redistribute the files and the source code in the article in any way you see fit, provided you keep the copyright notice in place; when code modifications are applied, the notice must reflect that. The author retains copyright to the article, you may not republish or otherwise make available the article, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the author. Disclaimer: This work is provided |
Sometimes we wish we could change Visual Studio's behavior. This little article lists a few tricks I have found useful.
The user can change a lot of settings under menu Tools/Options. Here are some settings I strongly recommend:
Other settings are not available through the dialogs, they require additions or modifications to the registry.
The exact location in the registry depends on the specific version of Visual Studio you are using.
I will use the notation [StudioBase]
to symbolize that; it could equal something like
to draw red vertical lines for
columns 80 and 96:
[StudioBase]\Text Editor\Guides=RGB(255,0,0) 80,96
with value 1:
[StudioBase]\UseMRUDocOrdering=1 (DWORD)
, such as a Control
Visual Studio will use a special icon, and double-clicking the file in the Solution Pane will open the file
in Designer Mode.
You can force it to open by default in an editor window by putting a single line in front of the class statement,
like so:
public class DoubleBufferedPanel : Panel {
Perceler |
Copyright © 2012, Luc Pattyn |
Last Modified 23-Dec-2024 |